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Available Services

Standard Portrait Session

Client has choice on location, it can be at the studio or anywhere else they choose! Up to 30 high resolution digital edits will be provided on google drive. This package requires $50 down to book!


Gold Package

Wedding Packages

This package covers something short, simple, and sweet! It's up to 3 hours of coverage with 100-150 high resolution photos provided. $175 down to book and save date.


Deluxe Portrait Session

Client has choice on location, it can be at the studio or anywhere else they choose! Up to 40 high resolution digital edits that the client can choose themselves! $60 down to book this session!


Platinum Package

This is the package that is booked the most! Up to 5 hours of coverage! 150-250 high resolution digital photos provided, and choice of hardcover or softcover 8x10 professionally designed album. Engagement session that includes 30 high resolution digital edits. $175 down to book and save date!


Boudoir Session

Shoot will take place at Sarina's studio unless client chooses otherwise. Up to 55 high resolution digital edits will be provided that the client can choose themselves! A gift of 5 prints and a custom shadow box also provided. $75 down to book!


Diamond Package

This package is best if you are unsure how long you would need me if it exceeds 5 hours. This is booked for all day weddings! It will be booked upon my hourly rate of $275. This will also include the book and engagement session as well. $200 down to book this package and save the date!


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